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Thursday, September 9, 2010

successful dinner

I don't like to cook. There, I said it.
It's actually a complex emotion, because I love the satisfaction of cooking for someone and them enjoying it. But I hate the stress of coming up with something to cook and then feeling incompetent throughout the "cooking" process. So maybe I like cooking...IF I know what I want to cook AND I have all the ingredients needed AND I know the people I'm cooking for like what I'm cooking... complex? Point made.

Well, since I work nights, I usually get out of cooking three nights a week. I guess if I was a better wife I would prepare dinner for Chris before I left..but.....I don't.

All that to share with you what I "made" for dinner tonight. It's been in our freezer for weeks and I finally pulled it out today. I included a pic of the bag below in case you are curious enough to try it for yourself. I was pretty skeptical..chinese food from a freezer bag, really?

It was DELICIOUS! I was very surprised and even cleaned my plate! The best part was that it was all in the bag and it only took about 12 minutes. Another successful dinner. :)

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