Monday, November 28, 2011


Good morning!!
I'm hoping this will give you a smile this morning...
Someone posted this on my facebook wall and said they looked like Scout.
For some reason I thought these were HILARIOUS and laughed out loud for a minute or so. 
Chris thought they were a little creepy.
(this is NOT a picture of Scout. I'm not sure where the picture came from to give it proper credit)

Aren't they CUTE though!?!?! 

Think they look like Scout?

Have a great Monday!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

what's been going on // part two

I'm back with round two of what's been going on in the Shepperd household.
Check this out if you missed part one yesterday.

Christmas shopping
I am happy to say we are about 80% done with our Christmas shopping. This has never happened in my lifetime! It's exciting that we will be able to enjoy December without having to worry about a lot of last minute shopping. //This picture was taken while we were looking for Kaden's gift. He loves spiderman!

the sing-off
Chris and I love this show.
Our favorite group is Pentatonix.
The guy on the left, Kevin, was part of Gungor when we saw them in concert last we were a little partial to them anyways, but Oh. Em. Gee. they are AWESOME. Please take a moment and listen one of the songs they did last night. Sick!

Scout got a bath
I don't do this very often. He's very fluffy and gets matted somewhat easy. We get him groomed about every 6-8 weeks and usually I would just rather pay the extra $8 for the groomer to "de-mat" him because it's just not worth it to hold him down and brush him. He hates it. But...since we are having family over the next few nights, I decided to make him pretty handsome on my own. 
So he got a bath. AND got completely brushed out. AND we are still friends. :)

shopping for Thanksgiving
I took a picture because Chris and I were proud of our fruits and veggies! 
I know it doesn't seem like much...but we are super picky and eat hardly any veggies. We are hosting Thanksgiving and wanted to be prepared for dinner and our guests! :)
So I think you should be pretty much caught up with our life! 
I'm grateful I was able to get off work for Thanksgiving but then I work Fri, Sat, Sun nights.

On that note...I'm planning a post answering the frequent questions I get about working nights. 
Do you have any specific questions about being a nurse on night shift or night shift in general???

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

what's been going on // part one

one word disclaimer

here is what's been going on lately with the Shepperds...

big HouseofShep Christmas order
Chris and I have been working on a BIG order that my cousin placed! She needs 50 Christmas gifts with the theme "Joy" for the employees at her work, so we are doing canvases! Here's a peak at a few of the designs. They will be debuting in my Etsy store soon, and I will be giving one away when I hit 100 followers. Can't wait!! :)

Aggie Women's Basketball
Basketball season has started up again and for the first game, the championship banner was presented. Chris went to the presentation since it's kind of a big deal and since he was THERE when they won the Championship!
On Sunday we both went to the game against Mississippi State. The girls are looking good so far this year, so we are hoping for another amazing season!

Christmas stockings
We have been married for 2 Christmases already and still didn't have stockings! I guess I'm really picky and just didn't want to pay a fortune for stockings that hang for one month out of the year. on GroopDealz they had cute personalized stockings for only $15! So I bought two! Go here to get your own!

sister wrecked her car
Last Monday, Becca, my youngest sister, (the one lives in the same town as us) wrecked and totaled her car outside of our subdivision. I'm grateful that it was close to our house and that Chris was home and able to come to her. Also glad all she had was a few bruises and some soreness. My Mazda is on loan to her until further notice, so we've been a one car family for a week! 

Check back in tomorrow morning with PART TWO of updates from the Shepperds :D

Friday, November 18, 2011

fill in the blank friday

I'm in a bit of a blog funk.
I can't even blame it on work this week. 
I'm going to catch up soon.
But for today...I'm linking up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do for some easy fill-in-the-blanks on this beautiful {chilly!} Friday morning.
1.   A nervous habit I have is   chewing or biting on my lips. I do it ALL the stinkin time and I hate it. Sometimes when I'm watching an intense show or sports game I won't even realize I'm doing it. I've given Chris permission to make me stop if he sees me doing it, so he will sometimes pull my hand down or nicely remind me to stop!

2.   Something that makes me sad is  when I make kids cry at work. That's basically my job, and I'm great at making kids cry...but that doesn't make it any easier!

3.  Today I am thankful for   my patient husband, that we both have good jobs, our health and so much more .

4. My favorite room in my house is   the bedroom! It's a place where we can relax in our wonderfully comfortable bed!

5.  I can't stand   cockroaches. I'd goes as far to say I HATE them. Most bugs I don't mind killing, but when I see a cockroach, my heart goes into some arrhythmia and I run the opposite direction.

6.  If I had an extra $100 to spend on whatever I wanted today I would   probably spend it at Hobby Lobby!! There's a lot of different crafty stuff I would love to mess around with, but supplies add up quick! Or...maybe I'd buy jeans. Or...maybe a special treat for Chris. But it would probably sit in my pocket for a while as I tried to decide what to spend it on! Living on a tight-ish budget is not for sissies.

7.  The last person I hung out with was   my sweet husband! I was off the past 3 nights so we've had some time to hang out and go on a date! We enjoyed some Mexican food, caught up on our TV shows, did some Christmas shopping and just enjoyed each other's company. :)

Have a great Friday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

i feel the earth move

...under my feet!

{disclaimer: this video doesn't really have anything to do with this blog post...
but she's singing the song I just referenced, and the clip is pretty entertaining!}

So here's the real reason I'm posting today.

When we were in Oklahoma last weekend, they had the strongest earthquake in OK history.
It was my first earthquake to experience! Actually, first and second!

On Friday night I woke up around 2am and went to the bathroom. When I got back in bed I had just gotten comfortable again when I heard a strange noise and the bed shook for about 10 seconds. Chris was asleep and hadn't moved. It freaked me out. And I thought I was c.razy.

Then Saturday evening we went and ate at Saltgrass (yuummmm!) and we saw on the TV that there had been an earthquake around 2am the night before. I FELT IT!!
My parents and Chris all slept through it. I was a little relieved that I wasn't crazy.

That night back at the hotel, both of my parents were going to sleep/already asleep and Chris and I were on our computers in the other bed. We suddenly felt our bed shake again. It's the weirdest feeling! I knew it was another earthquake and got excited! Of course, silly me jumped out of bed and looked out the window. Not really sure what I was expecting to see, but I saw...nothing. ;)
We felt that one for about 30 seconds. Chris immediately got on twitter and it was blowing up with earthquake chatter! As far as I know, no one was reported injured.

Here's a quote that was ACTUALLY reported on the news...

It was kind of weird/cool to experience our first earthquake and I'm glad it didn't cause any fatalities/excessive damage (that I know of).
Have any of you ever been in an earthquake?

Have a great Friday!!

ps. check this out....
Head over to Mackey Madness to sign up!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

our weekend in oklahoma

We went to Oklahoma this weekend! It's about a 6 1/2 hour drive for us, so we met my parents in Dallas and drove the rest of the way together.

Here's our road trip food bag!

Friday night we got in with enough time to go eat and play cards in the hotel lobby.

Then Saturday was GAME DAY! A&M vs. OU.

It was forecasted that it would be in the 60's on Saturday. Except there was 10-20mph winds. With the windchill, it was not in the 60's!! It was COLD! It wouldn't have been bad if we had dressed for cold weather, but I dressed for high 60 degree weather!
So I was wrapped up in this blanket pretty much the whole day.

my parents :)

Because it was so cold, we didn't take very many pictures for fear of our hands freezing! #dramatic
The tailgate we went to had 2 cooked hogs. 

And A&M no pictures the rest of Saturday.

Chris on the way home Sunday. We laid out our couch cushions this time because I worked Thursday night and slept on the way Friday morning.

Even though it was a loss for the Aggies, we had a fun weekend! 
I'll be back tomorrow to share a first that we experienced while we were there....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

my favorite things: october edition

I'm a few days late on my favorites this month...but here they are!

Guys' razors are just better than girls'. Hands down. 
I used Chris' razor in the shower once when I didn't have mine. Then I just kept using it. It was amazing. Uuuntil Chris found out. Apparently it's gross for him to shave his face with the same blade that shaved my legs! 
Who knew??
So he bought me my own! Yall, it's the BEST. I like it because the battery weights it well and it vibrates, which apparently gives you a better shave? We ran out of razors a few weeks ago, and in efforts to save money I used one of the disposable razors I already had. I cut myself like FOUR times. It was painful!
The Fusion Proglide does NOT cut! (unless you get crazy around your ankles/knees)
  Anyways, get one! It will change your shaving life! (important stuff on the blog today!)

With some recent money changes involving the name 'Dave Ramsey' affecting our finances this past month, I have used a LOT! 
In case you're unfamiliar with Mint, it's a free web-based personal financial management service. You can sync ALL your money accounts and keep track of budgets, transactions, categories, goals, etc. That's awesome, right?
Well it gets better! They have a mobile app!
(this is NOT my account...just one that I found in google)
It's super convenient to see how we are with our budgets and recent transactions.
Helps keep me on track with what I'm spending.

This is definitely not a new love, but I've used it quite a bit this month and LOVE it!
My BFF's Megan and Alyssa both live far away. :( But with Skype we found we can three-way voice chat, so it's been GREAT catching up and giggling like we are in middle school. 
(Chris usually stays away when he hears this! hehee)

Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Creams with Fudge Brownies & Gobs of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
I only had ONE pint of this stuff. But oh man I could eat more! 
Unfortunately it's a little pricey, but it was a nice treat to have for a special time.

I'm linking up with Katie with my favorites! 
Come back for more next month!

Monday, November 7, 2011

changing up the look

I know most people probably follow blogs on Google Reader so you don't often see the background/layout of the blogs you follow. Well today go and visit my actual blog!! 
Things are looking a little different! Let me know what you think.

I've also been working with Ashley @ Claudie Belle Designs...

and BFF Megan @ Together in This Crazy Life...

Helping get their blogs looking spiffy-er!! Ok, I didn't do THAT much. 
But I did hook them up with their headers!

Have a great Monday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up with Jamie today for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm {loving} this gorgeous weather.
It's so great to walk outside and not immediately feel the need to shower again! We've even slept with the window open a few nights this week. And I know we will be looving the electric bill at the end of the month!

I'm {loving} that we are going to Oklahoma this weekend!
A&M plays OU on Saturday so we are headed to Norman with my parents. 
We have some friends that are going to tailgate, so it should be a good weekend!

I'm {loving} my bestie's new blog look!
Alyssa at Wish You Were Here was ready for a new look, so I played around on Photoshop and hooked her up with a new header and a few other gadgets. 
I was in yearbook in high school, so I used to know my way around Photoshop like crazy. But the saying 'if you don't use it, you lose it' true. I basically forgot everything. But I was able to google a tutorial for pretty much everything I wanted to do!
Go check out her page and leave her some blog love!!

I'm {loving} this sleepy pup! :)

 {loving} my sweet husband!

Have a great hump day!!