Tuesday, November 22, 2011

what's been going on // part one

one word disclaimer

here is what's been going on lately with the Shepperds...

big HouseofShep Christmas order
Chris and I have been working on a BIG order that my cousin placed! She needs 50 Christmas gifts with the theme "Joy" for the employees at her work, so we are doing canvases! Here's a peak at a few of the designs. They will be debuting in my Etsy store soon, and I will be giving one away when I hit 100 followers. Can't wait!! :)

Aggie Women's Basketball
Basketball season has started up again and for the first game, the championship banner was presented. Chris went to the presentation since it's kind of a big deal and since he was THERE when they won the Championship!
On Sunday we both went to the game against Mississippi State. The girls are looking good so far this year, so we are hoping for another amazing season!

Christmas stockings
We have been married for 2 Christmases already and still didn't have stockings! I guess I'm really picky and just didn't want to pay a fortune for stockings that hang for one month out of the year. But...today on GroopDealz they had cute personalized stockings for only $15! So I bought two! Go here to get your own!

sister wrecked her car
Last Monday, Becca, my youngest sister, (the one lives in the same town as us) wrecked and totaled her car outside of our subdivision. I'm grateful that it was close to our house and that Chris was home and able to come to her. Also glad all she had was a few bruises and some soreness. My Mazda is on loan to her until further notice, so we've been a one car family for a week! 

Check back in tomorrow morning with PART TWO of updates from the Shepperds :D

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