Monday, November 9, 2015

Progression of Baby Bump {#1}

I didn't do a great job of weekly updates during this pregnancy, but I did post some! I compiled the pictures here with the caption from Instagram if it was posted there. 

The bump comes out at night. 

We hit the halfway mark yesterday! The belly is undeniable at this point. I'm still feeling pretty great except the leg cramps at night. I have an anterior placenta, so I still haven't felt any movement. Looking forward to the anatomy scan on Tuesday! 

22 weeks today! I'm feeling great and even started feeling her move this week. I'm in almost all maternity clothes except my scrubs. Legs cramps are better after changing my prenatal and adding magnesium supplements. Hungry all the time but I get full pretty quick when I eat. Loving sweets! (Not new!) Still very grateful for an uneventful pregnancy! 

We had our 24 week appt this week and our girl is measuring right on track! I've been feeling her more and more, which is the coolest feeling. Chris even got to feel her this week. Hard to believe only 15ish weeks left until we meet her!!

Hard to believe we are 9 days into the third trimester! Going to the OB every 2 weeks now. I passed my glucose test! Everything is still looking great! She's moving around a lot and I'm having to pee much more often now! Less than 11 weeks until we meet our sweet girl!

We are less than 10 weeks from having a baby! That's wild and awesome!! It's getting more difficult to squat and bend over at work. She's been a squirmy worm these past few days but still hard for someone else to feel her move. Thankfully I'm still sleeping well most nights. This past week I had someone ask if I was about 11 weeks along (bless her) and the next day someone told me I was waddling and looked like I could deliver any day. Ha! We are slowly getting her nursery together.

We are halfway through the 32nd week! A patient we have today at work has me even more grateful for this precious life inside of me and I'm reminded that we aren't guaranteed a single day with her. // She moves all the time now (except when someone tries to feel her!). Overall still feeling pretty good!

36 weeks today! I can't wait to meet our sweet girl but hope she hangs on for a few more weeks to give her daddy time to recover from shoulder surgery he's having on Wednesday. We are putting the finishing touches on her nursery and I still need to pack a bag. We are pre-registered at the hospital and probably about as ready as we could be! Strangers/patients still tell me how small I am (bless them) and our friends say how big I've gotten. This whole journey has been amazing and gone by so fast. Here's to the last few weeks!

I had my 36 week check last Thursday and she's head down and ready to go! I do feel like she may have dropped a little in the last week. Seeing my OB weekly now. Only 9 more work days before my leave! 🎉Still feeling pretty good! Not feeling any contractions yet. Looking forward to meeting our baby girl!

Less than 2 weeks to go! (Or so) My lower back has been sore off and on this weekend, mostly just when I'm at work. I'm still sleeping fairly well (other than getting up to potty 2-3 times a night) The nursery is almost ready! I still have a few things on my to-do list before she comes! I go back to the OB on Wednesday and we will see if anything else is happening. We are almost there!!

We are so close to having a baby! I got checked on Monday and I'm 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. She is a 2+ station and I'm definitely feeling that! I have one more day of work tomorrow before maternity leave. Having a lot of pelvic pressure but I feel pretty good! Braxton Hicks (or what I assume are BH) almost all day yesterday. Come on sweet girl!

{We took this picture Sunday after church/lunch and I never had a chance to post it because within a few hours I was in labor!}

Some thoughts/overviews about my pregnancy...

-Weight gained: 32 pounds
-No stretch marks on belly! (A small one on my love handle area)
-Never had heartburn
-Was queasy for a few weeks in the first trimester, but only threw up 3 times. Twice when brushing my teeth (holy gag reflex!) and once when riding in the car with Chris.  
-Leg cramps were annoying/painful for a while around week 19-22. 
-Never really had any cravings. In the first trimester, carbs were my best friend (loved baked potatoes). I couldn't get enough sweets in the last trimester, but I think it was mostly because I allowed myself to eat pretty much whatever I wanted.
-My belly button stayed in. The last few weeks it had almost disappeared.
-I am very grateful for an uneventful pregnancy! 

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