We've been off birth control since Fall of 2011 and tried to get pregnant naturally off and on since then. When it hadn't happened for us, we decided to pursue fostering (in hopes to foster-to-adopt). We went to an informational meeting in January of this year and were still interested, but the timing just wasn't right for us get the training done that is required. I was bummed, but excited about at least taking a step in that direction. At the beginning of March, we found out we are expecting!
How I found out
On March 5, 2015, I was a day late and decided to go ahead and test. I had seen so many "not pregnant" tests that I usually just wouldn't even test, I would just wait until my period came so I wasn't so disappointed. But this month was different! I saw that 2nd pink line. Then I was mad at myself for not having a digital test to see the word PREGNANT. I waited a few hours and took another one, still pregnant! Chris was at work and on Thursdays he works late. Somehow I kept the news from him until the next day! I had picked up some digital tests that night, so I took 2 more on Friday morning. Still pregnant!
How I told Chris
Small back story...in November 2013, I tested positive the day after Chris had shoulder surgery. We were incredibly excited and dreamed for 4 days about our baby. I started bleeding on that 4th day and it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. We were devastated. So I really didn't know how to tell Chris this time, which I think is why I waited another day after taking the first tests.
We were waiting on our tax return to come in and had thrown around what we wanted to do with the money. When Chris got up Friday morning (4w6d), he came in the living room and I hugged him and said "I think we should put the tax return in savings." Oh course he asked why...and I replied "Because we are having a baby!" We were both still pretty hesitant to believe this was happening. The subject really wasn't talked about much that next week or so. We wanted to believe, but had our hearts crushed last time and didn't want to get too excited. A week after I told him (5w6d) we went to Target and looked at baby stuff and it started to feel a little more real. We even bought our first box of diapers!
How we told our parents
Chris' mom's birthday was on Easter this year, so we took her gift over to their place the Thursday before Easter. (8w5d) We made up a gift bag with things that she loves. So I had tags that said "For your love of..." and included things like chocolate, gerber daisies, Italian food. The last one said "For your love of being a Nana" and it was a box with some custom cookies we had made. Their reaction was pretty cute! They were both very surprised and excited.
My parents came to visit us for Easter, so we went out to eat Friday night. When we got back home after dinner, I told them I got them something and they had to open it together. They opened the box and mom slowly pulled the cookies out and handed them to my dad. Their reaction was also very sweet and both very excited for another grandbaby! I wish I could have recorded both of them, but I knew the second we pulled out a camera to record they would have known something was up!
How we told our friends
Our good couple friend that we had vacationed with earlier in February came over to help us move on Easter night. (9w1d) Their anniversary was the week before and I had ordered a cute little memory book for them since it was their first anniversary. I signed the card "Chris, Lei and Little S". Megan read it first and passed it on to Jake without saying anything! When Jake read it, he said "Oh cute..from Scout too". I said "Nope, not Scout..." and he realized what I was saying and then passed the card back to Megan. She freaked out and squeezed me as hard as she could! It was very sweet and felt honored that they were so excited for us.
how exciting! congrats.