Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Campbell is 2 months old!

TWO months old! The first six weeks flew by so fast. But the last 2 weeks have draaaagged. We've hit a bit of a stormy patch where she's crying all the time. She can't be put down but sometimes isn't content with being held either. It's very trying for us and we hope it is a short phase!! But she's grown so quickly and we love her so much! Landry is still always asking where she is in the mornings and loves to give her kisses.

Eating: She is still breastfeeding about every 2-4 hours day and night. The last 2 weeks I feel like she's always nursing if she's awake! She usually eats more frequently when we're home. We prefer side-lying and I feel like she eats better that way. I still haven't started pumping yet. 
Sleep: We have been using the Pod and she seems to sleep well in it. We are still waking to feed every 3-4 hours though. I try to put her to bed around 9:30-10pm and our wake times vary. She's still in the pack and play and will be until Landry is transitioned out of her crib. She has NOT been napping easily. Even when held, she's super squirmy and fidgety. I've gotten a few good naps out of her when I nurse her to sleep side-lying in my bed.

Clothes: I've packed away her newborn clothes and she's into 0-3 and 3mo clothes now. She got so many new 3mo clothes!

Diapers: She is in size 1 diapers. We have some honest size 1's that I just don't like! They leak and are not soft. She's also worn Huggies, which are fine. But I still prefer Pampers Swaddlers. And Pampers wipes too! 


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