Friday, January 8, 2016

Landry is 2 months old!

Just like that we have a 2 month old! It's wild how fast it's gone by. Month 2 was full of family, traveling and smiles! It's been so fun watching her learn and seeing her personality develop. 

Weight: 11 pounds, 5 ounces

Eating: We are still exclusively breastfeeding. She eats about every 2-4 hours during the day, and waking 1 or 2 times at night. During the day she feeds about 10-20 minutes. She's gotten a bottle just a few times and done great with those. We are preparing for me to go back to work, so I pump at night after I put her down to bed to build up a stash. I get a little more than last month when I pump, maybe 2-4 ounces usually. I'm still a little sore, but that's much better than last month too. 

Sleep: I would still say she is fairly inconsistent with sleep. But we definitely have more good nights than bad. She usually goes down about 10-10:30pm. Her first stretch of sleep is always the longest, about 5 hours. Then she'll eat for 10-15 minutes and go back down for 2-3 hours. She's still swaddled in her crib with a sound machine on. It's nice because when she wakes up at night she will make noise/cry, but doesn't scream! I noticed this change around 5 weeks.

Clothes: We are in 0-3 month and 3 month clothes. She squeezed into a newborn outfit for Christmas and it was pretty small! 

Diapers: She's in size 1 diapers. I prefer Pampers, but she has some Huggies that she has worn that seem to work well. I always make sure she's in a Pampers at night and she hasn't leaked yet. 

At 2 months old she:
  • has had her first cold. I had a cold that I sadly shared with her at 5 weeks. It seemed to stick around foreeever. It lasted almost 3 weeks! We were using the humidifier, elevated the head of her crib, Nose Frida, saline drops. Her cough sounded terrible. So glad she's better now!
  • had her first outing in the Ergobaby to an A&M basketball game. She slept the whole first half and I pulled her out at halftime because she was hot! We had friends with us that were happy to hold her! 
  • has hair that is curly when wet and pretty straight when it dries.
  • has flown on an airplane! We went to Hawaii for 5 nights last  and she was so good.
  • smiles some for us! While we were in Hawaii I feel like she figured out her smile. Love seeing that sweet smile. 
  • is holding her head up pretty well. She can still be a little wobbly, but this past week her head control has improved so much. We haven't done a ton of tummy time, but she likes to be propped up on the boppy and when she's burped she'll hold her head up well. 
  • went to the church nursery this past week. She was the only baby this time and slept most of the hour. 
  • got her shots at 5 1/2 weeks. I gave Tylenol the next night because she was pretty fussy. She took the shoots like a champ though.
  • will start staying with Chris' parents when I go back to work on Jan 20. I am so grateful I was able to take off 10 weeks! 

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