Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Christmas 2015

This year we spent Christmas with my family in East Texas. Landry and I went in a few days before Christmas and spent some time with everyone before Chris was able to join us on Christmas Eve night. 
This outfit was newborn size...which we squeeeezed her into for the picture! 

The great-grands. (missing 4!) Pretty entertaining trying to photograph that many kids at the same time!

My dad's mom has always made stockings for everyone in her family. I love this with all of them on the mantel!
Landry got one this year too. 
Chris bought a selfie stick for our Hawaii trip so we played with it a little Christmas morning. 
The aftermath of presents!

Mom got us all fun socks in our stockings!


Friday, January 8, 2016

Landry is 2 months old!

Just like that we have a 2 month old! It's wild how fast it's gone by. Month 2 was full of family, traveling and smiles! It's been so fun watching her learn and seeing her personality develop. 

Weight: 11 pounds, 5 ounces

Eating: We are still exclusively breastfeeding. She eats about every 2-4 hours during the day, and waking 1 or 2 times at night. During the day she feeds about 10-20 minutes. She's gotten a bottle just a few times and done great with those. We are preparing for me to go back to work, so I pump at night after I put her down to bed to build up a stash. I get a little more than last month when I pump, maybe 2-4 ounces usually. I'm still a little sore, but that's much better than last month too. 

Sleep: I would still say she is fairly inconsistent with sleep. But we definitely have more good nights than bad. She usually goes down about 10-10:30pm. Her first stretch of sleep is always the longest, about 5 hours. Then she'll eat for 10-15 minutes and go back down for 2-3 hours. She's still swaddled in her crib with a sound machine on. It's nice because when she wakes up at night she will make noise/cry, but doesn't scream! I noticed this change around 5 weeks.

Clothes: We are in 0-3 month and 3 month clothes. She squeezed into a newborn outfit for Christmas and it was pretty small! 

Diapers: She's in size 1 diapers. I prefer Pampers, but she has some Huggies that she has worn that seem to work well. I always make sure she's in a Pampers at night and she hasn't leaked yet. 

At 2 months old she:
  • has had her first cold. I had a cold that I sadly shared with her at 5 weeks. It seemed to stick around foreeever. It lasted almost 3 weeks! We were using the humidifier, elevated the head of her crib, Nose Frida, saline drops. Her cough sounded terrible. So glad she's better now!
  • had her first outing in the Ergobaby to an A&M basketball game. She slept the whole first half and I pulled her out at halftime because she was hot! We had friends with us that were happy to hold her! 
  • has hair that is curly when wet and pretty straight when it dries.
  • has flown on an airplane! We went to Hawaii for 5 nights last  and she was so good.
  • smiles some for us! While we were in Hawaii I feel like she figured out her smile. Love seeing that sweet smile. 
  • is holding her head up pretty well. She can still be a little wobbly, but this past week her head control has improved so much. We haven't done a ton of tummy time, but she likes to be propped up on the boppy and when she's burped she'll hold her head up well. 
  • went to the church nursery this past week. She was the only baby this time and slept most of the hour. 
  • got her shots at 5 1/2 weeks. I gave Tylenol the next night because she was pretty fussy. She took the shoots like a champ though.
  • will start staying with Chris' parents when I go back to work on Jan 20. I am so grateful I was able to take off 10 weeks! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

the time we went to hawaii

Chris was asked to officiate his first wedding this year. Then the bride and groom decided to have a destination wedding and asked Chris to come with them. So we all went!

The many different sleeping positions on a plane!

We got to visit the Pearl Harbor memorial. This girl slept in the Ergo the whole time!

Megan had a birthday while we were there.

So we got her a cake and ate it down on the beach. Which somehow ended up in people throwing cake at each other. Which ended up with someone losing their ring. Which...SOMEHOW we found in the sand after looking for a bit. 


This girl was a dream traveler. She adapted so well to the time change and being on the go most of the time. She slept pretty much whenever, wherever. The only time it got a little hairy was riding in the car. She wasn't a huge fan of the car rides, especially if she was tired. I was a bit nervous traveling with a 7 week old, but several people told me this is the best time to go. Would totally agree now!