Tuesday, January 15, 2013

life updates

Day Shift
I am working day shift at the hospital now. 7am-7pm. I've been on this more regular schedule since May. I enjoy having a more normal schedule, but day shift is definitely busier! I didn't realize how much extra time I sometimes had on nightshift that I used for doing various things...paying bills, blogging, answering House of Shep emails, etc. When that time was gone, I really missed it!

House of Shep
Wow, where do I even start?! The shop became much much busier around August last year.  I did about 400+ total orders in 2012. 300+ of those orders were between August and December! It has been such a blessing making pretty things for people! I love to think how a hobby turned in to a side job. The extra income helps, but it's not taking the place of any other "real" jobs right now.

Chris and I are still hosting our young married small group two nights a month. We are also co-leading/hosting the college group every Thursday. We love having people in our home and using what God has blessed us with to bless others. There's not much better than having 26 college students in our small living room all worshiping together. Such a great thing. Chris is also working part time at the church doing some AV stuff, editing, etc and I'm starting back in helping with the children's ministry a few Sundays a month.

Small Business Owners
We bought a small business over the summer last year and what a ride it has been! The opportunity came for us to purchase the newspaper that Chris had worked for off and on over the past 4 years. We have learned a LOT and still have even more to learn about being business owners. Chris is his own boss, which has its benefits, but writing your own checks (or not..) is not one of them! Ha. I was even named "Business Manager." Still figuring out what that means!

Happy to report things are the same in Scout's world. No ear infections in about a year. He is such a goof ball. His latest thing is (when we aren't looking) pulling the towel down off of the towel bar and rolling around on it! I get annoyed when I find the towel on the ground, but I can't help but laugh because he looks so goofy doing it!

I love reading back over our adventures that have been written on this blog. I'm sad to look back over the last year and have almost nothing recorded for the majority of the year. I am unapologetic about blogging infrequently, because ultimately this blog is for us. BUT, I want to make a goal to blog more, so that I can look back later and read about our lives now.

both of us watching Passion live via Chris' iPad last week

we were visiting my family the first week in January and Chris was loving on Brooklynn

one of my favorites we made for a Christmas order!


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