Friday, March 16, 2012

friday's letters

Dear husband, thank you for doing the dishes this week and making me dinner before work last night. You're the bestest. :) Dear face, we aren't a teenager anymore, so please stop acting like it and make these zits go away! Dear work, thank you for not being crazy busy this week. I needed a few days to remember why I like being a nurse. Dear Scout, you are cute and you make me smile...but not when you bark while I'm sleeping. Dear weather, you're amazing. Please don't change. Dear Brooklynn, your Aunt Lei misses you. Please don't grow up yet. Dear Sunday night, I'm ready for you since I am off that night. Then I'm back to work for three more nights. Woo. Dear paycheck, thank you for making it possible for us to PAY OFF our first credit card yesterday!!! We have a ways to go with bunches of student loans...but we've got the snowball started now.


Linking up with Ashley...


  1. My face still breaks out too!! What is up with that? I used to think...okay once I start college, my face should clear up..then it was.. when I have a baby, it will clear up... WRONG!! Ugh!

  2. ahh your niece is absolutely precious! :)

    new reader/follower from the link up :)

    cute blog!

  3. congrats on almost paying off the credit card! It feels so good doesn't it?!? We have been working on paying off ours too, and will be CC debt free in a few months! we'll still have the student loans too but there isn't much you can do about that! thanks for linking up!


  4. Congrats on paying off the credit card! That's always a priority here. I SO relate the zits letter. I"m 25!!! I thought that phase was behind me. Apparently not.

    Happy weekend :)

  5. Hello, I am following from over at Ashley's. Your blog is so cute. I wish my man would do the dishes for me, I have neglected them all week and they have definitely piled up, lucky girl. Soon enough I will also have my credit card paid off, dif. story with my student loans too. Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. What a cuuuute furbaby!! :) Yay, for yall paying off a credit card!! That's awesome!! We are currently paying one off now too!

  7. So exciting to pay off the credit card :-) And what a great guy to fix dinner!!

  8. Heck, I'm 37 and I am breaking out more now then I ever have!! It's awful! And good for you on your snowball journey!!! We have had GREAT success with it!

  9. Dear face...I put honey on you and it usually helps. Thank you. Please tell Leisha to read my post "Honey, Honey how you thrill me."

