Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up with Jamie today for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm {loving} the pendant banner I made for Valentine's Day!
I found this cute idea from Landee See, Landee Do and decided to try it out for myself. I love how it turned out!! I may try to change it out to green shades of shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day.

I'm {loving} vanilla cupcake Goldfish! 
They taste a lot like Teddy Grahams and they're delicious!

I'm {loving} these precious pictures of my neice!!
My sister, Katy, is due on March 7 and it 37 weeks pregnant today. Katy even said she looked at some of our baby pictures and thought the picture of Brooklynn on the right looks like my baby pictures! :) I can't wait to meet her and kiss those sweet cheeks! 

I'm {loving} my sweet husband!
He's turning in his thesis THIS Friday!! He's been working hard hard hard to get it finished and I'm so proud of him!

Have a blessed rest of the week!!


  1. Your banner is so adorable.. you did a great job! And good luck to your hubby! :)
