Tuesday, January 31, 2012

our garage bathtub

Ever since we moved into our house 20 months ago, we have been itching for a BIGGER shower. Right now it is SMALL. It might be an "average" small shower, but it's still small.
I had to shave my legs on the side of the tub for the first few months we lived here because I was afraid of falling when I propped my leg up to shave!

The next three pictures have the previous owner's things in them from before we moved in. The shower on the left, bathtub on the right with a floor-to-ceiling wall in between.
{remember-not how it is now! they took the radio thing under the cabinet, no toilet seat cover, no cords everwhere on a good day!}

About this time last year, we started talking about making the master bathroom renovation a reality. Chris acted quickly and pulled the "splash board" (not sure what it's actually called) and front panel off of the tub. At the end of that week we made the decision to go to Uganda that summer, so operation: bathroom reno was put on hold. 

Fast forward to this month...
We've finally been talking about the reno again 
We've brainstormed lots and lots of ideas.
Made some decisions and changed them. Then changed them again.
I'm sure that will happen many more times before we are completely done!
This is kind of the look of what we are wanting for the door/openness of the shower. We are going to tile the shower/tub but haven't decided on a tile.

Chris took out the sheetrock on the surrounding walls.

Then took out the tub...
We are going to turn it 90 degrees to create a larger space for the shower.
Aaaand..now we have a tub in our garage for a while!
(hence the title for this post!)
This past weekend Chris' project was creating a hole in the concrete to move the plumbing for the tub. This pic was taken after the concrete-chipping aftermath was cleaned. Concrete dust is MESSY! It was covering everything and quickly traveled into the closet and bedroom when we opened the bathroom door!
Awesome drawing Chris' dad sent Chris as they have been talking about what is next... :)
They have Skyped several times in the last 2 weeks, which is pretty comical to watch. The mic and camera don't work on his dad's computer..so Chris walks around the bathroom with his iPad showing his dad what he needs to while talking to him with the cell phone on speakerphone. Love technology. :)

So that's the progress we've made so far.
Chris actually did all of this. I didn't do anything except help clean up twice. ;)
Not looking forward to the bathroom being out of commission for a while, but I am looking forward to a new beautiful shower/bathroom!


  1. That is a small shower! I don't think I'd be able to use it without hitting my elbows every 5 seconds lol

    PS: Congratulations on 100 followers :-)

  2. I love a good renovation! Can't wait to see what y'all do with it!!

  3. It looks like it is going to be great!! I can't wait to see the finished project! So glad to be your newest follower!

  4. Pool party in your garage! =)
    I'm sure that bathroom will turn out just awesome! =)
    Much Love,

