Friday, May 13, 2011

a week with Kaden

We got to keep our adorable 3-year-old nephew this week.

I'm so grateful to my brother and sister-in-law for sharing him with us all by himself. :)

Kaden is 3 and a half and so stinkin cute! Chris picked him up on Monday. Kaden and Chris had a chicken nugget picnic on our back porch.

After his nap, we took him to the softball complex while Chris announced a high school playoff game. He loved being up in the press box and watching "soft-a-ball" (as he called it). Every time the crowd would clap or cheer he would ask "Whose da winner? Is it over?" But if the crowd got excited and cheered, Kaden would clap and cheer. So cute.

On Tuesday, Kaden and I took Scout to the dog park. They have a small playground at this park, so Kaden got to play too!

Tuesday afternoon we went to a different park where Kaden rode his bike and played tennis. Here's a video of him playing with Chris.

After we got home, Kaden was SOOO excited about the "water slide" we had bought the night before. It was a slip 'n slide and when we set it up he had a BLAST!!

Here is one of his first runs.

I think he enjoyed himself. :)

Wednesday we went to another park, went and made a surprise for Jennifer's birthday (his mom) and then had some people over that night.

Thursday I met Jennifer halfway and dropped him back off.
We had so much fun having him here and getting to spoil him with our time! We hope to get to do this again sometime.

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