Monday, March 28, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Keeley

Chris' sister (my sister in law, SIL) got married this weekend!!
She is now Becky Keeley, or Mrs. Scott Keeley. I was honored for Becky to ask me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. The ceremony was beautiful and Becky was a gorgeous bride!

Chris' mom was taken to the ER on Thursday night with stroke-like symptoms. She had to be admitted and was still in the hospital whe
n we came in on Friday morning. Sadly, she had to miss the rehearsal dinner on Friday night. But the doctors finally let her out on Saturday morning in time to get ready with the rest of the girls! They didn't figure out what was causing the symptoms. They did some blood work that will take about a week to get back, so maybe they'll have some answers when those results are in. I'm so glad that she was able to be a part of the Saturday festivities and I know she was too!!

When we got in on Friday, we spent some time at the hospital with Chris' parents. Then Chris spent a few hours playing paintball with the guys and I got to spend time with and love on my nephews.

Here is Kaden playing at McDonalds.
And Kai...doing what he did best while I hung with them. Eating! He is 13months and stinkin cute!

On Saturday it was an abnormally slow paced day. It was a great change for how most wedding days are that I've been a part of usually are.

Here are some wedding pictures from my dad's camera.
Me and Eric, the groom's brother.

The Shepperd kids + spouses.
The immediate Shepperd family.
The extended Shepperd family.
The Keeley family.Becky and Jenn at the reception.Me and my wonderful husband :D He got to be an usher.

He's so great.
Oh I love this boy! Kaden is 3 yrs old and such a hoot. He was in a smily, happy mood almost the entire time we were around him this weekend. Age 3-6 are my favorite ages in kids! He denied he had any punch to drink, but his red mustache makes me think he was lying. ;)

These are our silly faces.

Here is the sign I made them.

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