Monday, March 19, 2018

Campbell is 5 months old!

Eating: Campbell eats every 3-4 hours during the day. She is SUCH a wiggle worm while she eats! Side lying nursing isn't really relaxing anymore because she's all over the place. We haven't quite gotten to the stage where she's really distracted yet, but I know it's coming! She still takes 4 4oz bottles by the Kiinde system when I'm working. I'm grateful she transitions well from nursing to bottle. 

Sleep: She has a crib! We moved Landry to her big girl bed (aka mattress on the floor) since I posted last, so Campbell sleeps in the crib now. We transitioned to the Zipadeezip around 4 months old. She had been getting her arm out of the swaddle and I knew she'd been turning over soon. Sleep has been so inconsistent and pretty terrible. She slept through the night ONE time with 10 uninterrupted hours and it was great. But usually she's up every 3-4 hours at night. Momma is ready for better sleep!! She can now turn over on her belly and then gets stuck, so most of the time she'll cry. We've been making bedtime around 8pm. She typically is a good napper for me if we are home and she has her crib and sound machine. I can almost always get at least one nap that is 2-3hrs long.

Clothes: We are in mostly 6 month clothes now. She's so long! 

Diapers: She is in size 2 diapers. We are still using Pampers diapers and wipes. 


Friday, January 19, 2018

Campbell is 3 months old!


Eating: She is still breastfeeding about every 2-4 hours day and night. I've still been feeding often during the day because she's fussy a lot. She doesn't have to burp very often and she doesn't really spit up much. We've given gas drops on occasion thinking maybe that was the reason for her being fussy. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. We still nurse side-lying sometimes. Since I went back to work this month, she takes from a bottle like a champ! We are using the Kiinde system and haven't had any issues with her liking that bottle/nipple. So far I've left 4 bottles with between 3-5 ounces when I'm working.

Sleep: We are in the SwaddleMe swaddle now and she seems to do pretty well in it. At night she is waking 1-3 times usually, most often twice. We aim for a 9pm bedtime and her morning wake time is inconsistent. I usually turn sound machine on and nurse to sleep at night. During the day she's difficult with her naps most days.  She typically naps for about 45 minutes for her first nap, and then the other naps are pretty inconsistent. Sometime 45 minutes, a few times 2-3 hours. She's still in the pack and play in her room.

Clothes: We are in 0-3 month clothes now. I love seeing her in clothes her sister wore. And some that her cousins also wore!

Diapers: She is in size 1 diapers. We are mainly in Pampers which I prefer!

She takes a MAM pacifier occasionally. I'll sometimes give it to her to get to sleep for naps, but try not to at night because I don't want her to wake up and need the paci put back in her mouth! We've moved the Mamaroo into the living room and she seems to like that a little better than the Rock & Play.
