Thursday, December 24, 2015

My time with family in Longview

Landry and I went to visit my Longview family for 4 days before Christmas/Hawaii trip. It was so great to get to hang out with everyone and spend extended time with them!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Landry is 1 month old!

Our sweet girl is already one month old! This month has flown by. Some of the nights/days have been long, but it's hard to believe it's already been a month! We are just loving being parents. I feel like we are kind of getting the hang of things and get into some sort of routine. We have been grateful for a pretty easygoing baby. She doesn't cry a whole lot unless she's hungry or needing to be changed. She usually doesn't mind her diaper being changed.

Eating: I think we are both figuring out breastfeeding! I'm still pretty sore, but about 10 seconds after she latches we are good. She's eating about every 3-4 hours for 20-30 minutes. I'm also pumping once a day or every other day just to have some stash if needed. I only pump 1.5-2.5oz per pump so I only have about 15 ounces stored up.

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty inconsistent so far. We have some nights where she wants to feed every 1.5-2 hrs if not more, and then (glorious) nights like the last two nights where she only wakes up to feed once! Last night I even got a 4 hour stretch of sleep! She is in her crib, so at least there's that. Our bedtime routine is to diaper, swaddle, nurse in her room. I leave the lights off and sound machine on. I lay her in the crib after she nurses.  During the day she is still napping in her mamaRoo or my arms. Sometimes after I feed her, I can't help but just hold her while she sleeps and just stare at her.

Clothes: She is still in newborn, I noticed last night that her legs are running out of room in her footed outfits. Some are still big on her. It's puzzling how newborn size varies so much based on brand. I imagine we will have to try out some of her 0-3mo sized clothes soon.

Diapers: Pampers are our favorite and she is still in newborns. The past few nights I put her in a size 1 at night so she doesn't wet through her clothes/swaddle. 

At 1 month old she:
  • LOVES looking at the Christmas tree. She can stare at it for 15-20 minutes!
  • is such a snuggler! I LOVE IT! 
  • has what looks like a dimple on each cheek. I can't wait to see her real smile to see if they'll stick around.
  • She had her hip ultrasound last week and it was negative! No hip dysplasia. The pediatrician said he will just monitor her hip click at her well checks and make sure it doesn't change.
  • has grey eyes. I can't wait to see if they'll change. Chris and I both have brown eyes so I suspect they'll eventually turn brown. 


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Landry is 2 weeks old!

At two weeks old Landry is/has:
  • 7 pounds, 15 ounces.
  • Wearing newborn clothes and size NB diapers.
  • Sleeping in her crib at night (or on mom or dad's chest in the living room) and takes naps in her Mommaroo (or mom's arms) during the day. She's sleeping about 2.5-4 hour stretches. (When she sleeps!) I usually feed her in the living room and then put her back down. If it's past 6:30-7ish in the morning I'll just lay down with her on the couch and we will both take a nap until Chris gets up. 
  • Breastfeeding pretty well every 3-4 hours. We had some struggles with this early on but I think we are both getting the hang of it. We haven't had to supplement since day 8!
  • Sporting a cute belly button! Her cord fell off on day 10.
  • Has the hiccups at least once a day, sometimes more.
  • Has the cutest sneezes! Usually just one at a time, but sometimes twice in a row. 
  • Still has a right hip click. She goes for an ultrasound on her right hip next week.
  • Responsive to mom or dad's voice.
  • Been to church twice. She stayed quiet through service both weeks! We loved getting to show her off!
At two weeks old Landry loves:
  • Her wubbanub (the soothies are the only brand pacifier we've tried)
  • The mommaroo
  • Being swaddled (we are using the SwaddleMe brand)
  • Going for stroller rides around the neighborhood 
  • Riding in the car
The first time we got out of the house for her 5 day appointment. 

At church on Sunday at 14 days old. She was quiet the whole service. 
